Back To School Essentials For Dealing With Autumn Sniffles

Woo hoo, the start of a new school year is finally here. Parents everywhere rejoice.

But there’s a downside.

Alongside the joys of being back in the classroom, the new term usually means more snuffly noses.

Unfortunately, the autumn sniffles are hard to avoid, thanks to fun school-time interactions and the seasonal drop in temperature.

And once the kids get it — parents, you know the drill — they usually share it with you & the rest of your household.


So, what can you do to avoid the sniffles? 

The best thing is to be prepared (as much as you can be).

Here are seven essential tips to help you and your family get through the season of the snuffle.

  1. Sleep is vital 

According to the NHS, a lack of sleep can lower your immune system making you more susceptible to catching yukky bugs.

Make sure everyone in your family is getting the rest they need. Remember, adjusting back to school life is pretty stressful (and tiring). 

A great way to do this is by sticking to a consistent bedtime and morning routine — even for older kids. 

For younger children, who sometimes struggle to sleep, having a bedtime routine helps them unwind and settle more quickly.


For tips on helping your toddler sleep read our blog here.

  1. Say yes to healthy food.

When everyone is feeling under the weather, it can be tempting to go for easy option meals. But research shows a diet high in ultra-processed foods and refined sugars can lower our immune systems. The best way to get the nutrients our bodies need to stay healthy and strong is through eating a balanced diet packed with fresh fruit and vegetables.

We know kids can be picky eaters, especially when getting their daily dose of greens.


Read our blog for ideas on how to get your kids to eat more fruit and vegetables here. 

  1. Make washing hands a habit.

Your first line of defence against yukky germs is hand washing. Get your kids into the habit of washing their hands regularly by leaving little reminder notes. This will way it will become part of everyday life. Critical times to introduce hand washing are after school, before and after handling food, after sneezing or blowing their nose and after using the bathroom.

Are you doing it right?

Use warm water and make sure your hands are nice and soapy. Wash for as long as it takes to sing a couple of rounds of happy birthday. Afterwards, rinse your hands in cool water and dry with a fresh hand towel.

  1. Sharing is not always caring.

We all know younger children are far less aware of personal space. They love sharing with their friends. But, it’s doubly important to discourage your child from doing this as saliva carries bacteria. Avoid letting them share cups, cutlery, toys and towels.

  1. Fresh air and exercise are healing balms.

Get outside. Take a walk in a park. Play in the garden. Fresh air is a powerful tonic. There are many benefits for enjoying the great outdoors for kids — it promotes better sleep, is energising and improves overall health and well-being. 

  1. Pack the tissues

Don’t let the bugs spread by teaching your kids to cover their mouths with a tissue when they sneeze, cough or blow their nose. For small kids (who haven’t worked out the mechanics of blowing their noses yet), always keep a hanky ready in your pocket to swoop in and do it for them.

  1. Stay hydrated

We all need water to survive. And staying fully hydrated is even more important when you’re feeling rubbish. But, kids can sometimes find drinking water hard. To encourage them to drink more, try flavouring water with berries or fruit like limes or lemons. Yourself, always carry a bottle of water and be a role model.

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